JPOS-EE installation: A small Java DB utility
Stuck with your JPOS-EE database installation? Beanshell dies at launch or fails to resolve class names? The small Java utility below (written in the Eclipse environment) may just be the answer to your woes. Before you dive into Java code you may want to complete the following steps: i. Download EasyPHP (WAMP server) and create a database called jposee . ii. Start mysql and apache servers Start Eclipse. Create a new Java Project: File->New->Project . Select " Java " in the category list. Select " Java Project " in the project list. Click " Next ". Enter a project name into the Project name field, for example, " JPOS-dbmaker ". Click " Finish "--It will ask you if you want the Java perspective to open. (You do.) Create a new Java class: Click the " Create a Java Class " button in the toolbar. (This is the icon below ...