Whose Shilling?

Zimbabwe is Africa's Lazarus. The economy is in tatters, the citizenry of this great nation are despondent but Robert Gabriel Mugabe remains firmly in charge. For the time being.

Many believe that only South Africa is in a position to determine the destiny of Zimbabwe. Yet President Thabo Mbeki, save for his quiet diplomacy, appears disinterested in employing enough downward pressure for Mr. Mugabe to repent his sins and thereby rid the Zimbabweans of their current economic woes. What exactly does Mr Mugabe have on Mbeki?

In exile Mbeki lived, at different times, in the United Kingdom, Botswana and Zambia. He hardly was guest of the Mugabe's. On that score alone, Mbeki does not owe Robert a good turn. Of the two neighbours, Zimbabwe is most reliant on the other. Zimbabwe relies on South Africa's ports for her exports and imports. She draws electricity and routes her telecommunication traffic through her southern neighbour. South Africa is one of Zimbabwe's major trading partners.

Despite his considerable grip on the Zimbabwean economy, Mbeki is reluctant to use this lever and compel President Mugabe to respect the rule of law. He who takes the King's shilling does the King's bidding.
Whose shilling did you take, President Mbeki?


Micky Nsangwe said…
I think its a question of covering somebody's back and expect the favour to be returned when the chips are down. This has been the guiding principle of the SADC club.The so called leaders in the sub region are always covering each others backs at the expense of Joe Soap

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